Welcome to a novel study

In this unit of work you will be closely studying the novel "Bridge to Terabithia" by Katherine Paterson. Throughout your study of the novel you will lesrn about the features of a novel: plot, characters, setting, themes (ideas or messages), and language techniques. you analyse how these features of a novel help create meaning for the responder (you - the reader).

What is your favourite fantasy novel you read? Why is it your favourite? Explain in detail.

Date: 17/02/2012

By: Alicia Charters

Subject: English 7en04

I love many fantisy novels, but my favourite is the harry potter series, I love how J.k. rowling make you feel like your in the book. I also love how it is funny at times. I also love Twilight!



Date: 17/02/2012

By: Ishita Verghese

Subject: English 07 4

I have read many books i am not able to choose my favourite as they are all different and unique in their own ways.



Date: 17/02/2012

By: Johanna Cusack

Subject: English

My favourites are all by Rick Riordan. I love the Kane Chronicles (Carter and Sadie Kane), The Heroes of Olympus (Piper McLean, Jason Grace and Leo Williams) and of course the Percy Jackson Series. Rick Riordan is a very good fantasy writer because he takes facts from history and turns them into a fascinating book that will absorb any reader who picks it up.



Date: 17/02/2012

By: lizzahh

Subject: 07 English 04

So far i love the book 'Muse' is my favourite book because of how she sets the images in your mind and the detail and desciption the author makes.



Date: 17/02/2012

By: Bridget

Subject: English, 7EN4

My favourite fantasy story would have to be 'I, Coriander' by Sally Gardner. It is an amazing story with mystery, happiness sadness and everything you could want in a wonderful story.



Date: 17/02/2012

By: Megan Hilder

Subject: English

My favourite fantasy novel is Twilight because it's a very different from the movies. My favourite character is Jacob because i like dogs, (wolves in his case). I also like it because it is very different from the movies.



Date: 13/02/2012

By: Annoymous

Subject: English

I like the Wishing chair series by Enid Blyton because you can never tell what will happen next



Date: 12/02/2012

By: Anonymous

Subject: Twilight

My favourite fantasy novel is Twilight becasue it is and interesting book, very different from the movies.



Date: 12/02/2012

By: Yamema Esber

Subject: English

I have read many fantasy novels and I love all of them. One of the most memorable is the Harry Potter series. They are one of my favourites because the writer, J.K Rowling, has put so much detail. I am mesmerised by the plot which evolves around Harry. It is full of mystery, adventure, excitement, happiness, sadness, loyalty, evil and good. It will take the reader into a completely differnt world, so different from their own. This is why I love the Harry Potter series.



Date: 08/02/2012

By: Katniss Everdeen

Subject: ~

My favourite book series is the Harry Potter series, because the way that J.K. Rowling write is just magical. The series of Harry Potter taught me to be brave, that believing in yourself is a hundred times more powerful than luck, that an education is a girl's best asset, to never, ever, ever judge someone, that courage is standing up for what's right, and that sometimes, all you need is a good laugh.. (Taken from 'What Harry Potter has taught me') J.K. Rowling's story plot is just fantastic, and I'd recommend it to anyone who loves a good fantasy book.





Who is your favourite character?



Prince Terrien

Janice Avery

May Belle

Miss Edmunds

Total votes: 252